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Library Photos

It took us 3 years to tackle this room. It was the worst of the rooms upstairs and we used it for storage for a long time. The
wallpaper was peeling, the plaster was crumbling - it was bad - and we weren't sure what we wanted to do with it. I realized that
most of the boxes in the room contained books - and I kept buying MORE books. The logical solution was a library.
The structural renovation was completed in November 2009, and after another entire year, we finally found bookcases that we liked. In September 2010, the books were finally put in place and we just recently had our first "check-out" of books!

Library Before

Library During

Library After

library before

library during 5


Everything was replaced in this room. Walls, ceiling, light fixture, windows. The floor was sanded and refinished. I did like the old wallpaper, though. Plaster torn out and new drywall is up. Ta Da! We stumbled across this wallpaper on clearance and it kind of matches the old! Even after the room was remodeled, it took us a year to find bookcases. In September 2010, the books were finally put in place.

100 Year Old Lathe

The Chute to the Dumpster!

Bill Sands the Floor

library during 2

library during 3

bill sanding

Applying the clear coat

Halfway there!

Big Difference

Finishing the Floor floor before after
library after

Sorting through books

A good place to read a book

Library Cats!!

shelves in after library library cats

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